Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. - R. Frost


I founded and run Thrive-WiSE (formerly CodeChix), a 501c3 charitable non-profit dedicated to retaining and growing technical women+ in R&D. I grew this organization from scratch, pretty much single-handedly, from 2009 till today - long before “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” were fancy buzz words.

I am a software engineer turned product manager by trade. I’m known for my no-nonsense and honest/straight-forward talk and my deep commitment to moving the needle for the technical women (Eng. & PM) in the industry who are and have been overlooked (mostly).

In my copious free time, I stay sane during Covid by cooking international cuisines, listening to classical and semi-classical music, dreaming about climbing my next glacier and visiting yet another starkly mesmerizing remote place. I, also, dabble in landscape and dark sky photography.

I am a Star Wars fan - hence, “May the code be with you…” has been the Thrive-WiSE / CodeChix slogan since 2009.

What I do and have done so far…

Current Location

Boulder, CO & San Jose, CA