“The toughest problem on this planet is tied to human beings. The most worthwhile problem to solve is tied to human beings. The only ones that can solve this problem is human beings. Therein, lies the crux.”

— Rupa Dachere

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” — Einstein

Over the years, I’ve realized that if one doesn’t state some key things that one has done in one’s life/career that are not tied to a “corporate” job, mis-representation ensues. Hence, this page.

Many quote Einstein - as you can tell, I do as well. I, also, try to internalize the intent and apply it to something I feel might be worthwhile.

  • For those that don’t understand that doing small things can result in big changes and try to write off such efforts as “distractions” (a favorite quote from one of my numerous awful managers), sometimes, one learns the most worthwhile skills through such “distractions”.

  • For those that don’t understand that dreaming big is a worthwhile thing to do and write it off as “boiling the ocean” (yet another favorite quote from my numerous awful managers), sometimes, it is the only thing that can actually bring about much needed change.

If, as a manager you don’t understand the above, you need to re-evaluate why you are a manager. And so does your boss.

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See my PiDoorbell work here